Wednesday, 25 September 2013


THE PAIN IN LEADERSHIP: The Nigerian story.

I often wonder what propels people to take up leadership positions in society. My literature of human knowledge tells me that leaders are either born or made. If they are born with the traits and gifts thereof, it translates to possible positive achievements.  On the other hand, if they are made, frankly, it can go either way.

The rhetoric and semantics of the discuss aside, my take on the subject of leadership is primarily taken from the Book of Nigeria, a gospel according to godfatherism.

In the early days of Nigeria's quest for self governance, the principal political actors were men and women of substance, intellect, patriotism and spirited(Positively). There focus was the achievement of independence for Nigeria and the enthronement of an egalitarian society. This was achieved albeit circumspectively. Today, the story is absolutely different. Leadership is an all-comers affair. Practically, the living and the Dead are leaders in Nigeria( Umaru Yar'Adua on my mind). Why is this so? The rout to leadership is so polluted that those that make it to the top must be soiled in the process of getting there. The toxicity pervades and permeates every facet of our National life from the pulpit to the slaughter houses. From the cradle to the grave. The sickness is always there in forms that defy the average human intellect. However, it shows up in more ways than one via corruption.

Human frailty aside, the constitution of a country is designed to rein in mans weaknesses to the vagaries of his environmental challenges. That's why they say the law is no respecter of persons or the ignorance of the law is not an excuse. By this same token, no one is above the law. The law, in my humble view, has been trampled and crushed in Nigeria. Due process is never followed transparently. Even when it seems to be followed, it is selectively skewed towards depriving some elements of their constitutional rights within the ambits of the law. Nigeria is one big mess.

Back to leadership. I have tried to paint a picture to show the milieu in which our leaders are spewed from. Within the confines of this environment, it is near-impossible to brew a new spirit that will fill new bottles. It sounds sarcastic. Prove me wrong. From the kindergarten the Tertiary institutions, students are trained with the belief that you must have a godfather to get to the top. Getting a job is no longer by merit. That's for the dogs. With this kind of upbringing who cares about excellence in academics? In recent years, we have noted, with chagrin, the ill prepared graduates our university system brings to the labor market. They are never marketable or Bankable. That is to say, they are never employable. The streets of Nigeria are littered with the consequences of this societal lapse. These were meant to be the leaders of tomorrow. Do they, for that matter, do we have a time called tomorrow with characters such as these roaming the streets? Kidnappings, Murder(Ritual), gangsters, massive robberies, assassinations, terrorism, militancy and what-have-you have since become the order of the day. In fact, we have learnt to live with these and more.

With a twisted and jaundiced mindset, how can we expect to have great leaders coming out of HELL? Sad......................If you are waiting for my solutions, ba bas!!!!For all intent purposes, Nigeria should be confined to the pages of HISTORY. However, since we are still here, the way forward is through a revolution...The truth is bitter. 


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